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End Of Season Awards : The Winners

End Of Season Awards : The Winners

James Sarek30 May - 18:38
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End Of Season Awards Winners Round Up

OPRFC held their End Of Season Dinner on Friday 24th May at the Princess Victoria in Shepherd's Bush, with a number of playing and non-playing awards given out as parr of the evening's proceedings. We list the winners below :

Vice Presidents

Vinnie Berrington
James Booth
Will Clarke
Jack Dever
Ari Goualin

Club Achievement

Jeannette Howe
Etilly Pigg
Man Chung Tsang

Committee Award

Cian McBride

Playing Awards

1st XV

Player Of The Season - Damien O'Dwyer
Player's Player Of The Season - Cathal Sheehan
Most Improved - Liam Munro
Man Of Steel - Michael Jobling
Top Try Scorer - Cathal Sheehan & Josh Chippendale

2nd XV

Player Of The Season - Emilio Uribe
Player's Player Of The Season - Ed Moss
Most Improved - Moustafa Abdel Hady
Top Try Scorer - Ed Moss and Josh Chippendale

50 Appearances

Tim Boorman
Carlos Gomez-Rose
Jono Moore
Kimen Nyam
Will Taylor

Clubman Of The Year

Guy Djedje

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to all those in attendance.

Further reading